Calculation of the first natural frequency and the modal mass of isotropic plates:Rectangular Plate with Four Hinged Edges.

Calculation of the first natural frequency and the modal mass of isotropic plates:Rectangular Plate with Four Hinged Edges.

1Length of Plate:Lm-
2Breadth of Plate:Bm-
3Thickness of Plate:tm-
4Young's Modulus:E*10^N/m^2-
5Mass of floor:μkg/m^2Including finishing and furniture.
6Poisson ratio:υυ<1-
7Total mass of floor:Mtot kgIncluding finishings and representative variable loading
8Coefficient:β 『β≈0.25 for all λ』Reference[1].
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The first natural frequency and the modal mass of isotropic plates, Rectangular Plate with Four Hinged Edges.


[1]:JRC Report: Eurocodes Scientific and Technical Report by M. Feldmann, Ch. Heinemeyer, Chr. Butz, E. Caetano, A. Cunha, F. Galanti, A. Goldack, O. Hechler, S. Hicks, A. Keil, M. Lukic, R. Obiala, M. Schlaich, G. Sedlacek, A. Smith, P. Waarts:『Design of floor structures for human induced vibrations』,Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009,pp31-33.


・Modal mass:Mmod.
・Total mass of floor including finishings and representative variable loading:Mtot.
・Length of Plate:L.
・Breadth of Plate:B.
・Thickness of Plate:t
・Young's Modulus:E
・Mass of floor:μ
・Poisson ratio:υ
・Figure of Plate is copied from Reference[1]
・Making Equation Image is powered by CODECOGS



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