Calculation of Julian Date,Julian Century,Modified Julian Date,Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time and Local Sidereal Time.


Calculation of Julian Date,Julian Century,Modified Julian Date,Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time,Local Sidereal Time.


[1]:Graham Woan著・堤正義訳:『ケンブリッジ物理公式ハンドブック』,共立出版,pp.175,2007.


・Julian Date(12h UTC):Days after B.C.4713/01/01 12h UTC.
・Modified Julian Date(0h UTC):Days after A.C.1858/11/17 0h UTC.
・LST:Local Sidereal Time.
・If input "M" is 1 or 2,(M-14)/12=-1 and (M-14)/12=0 in other case(3,4...12) for calculation of Julian Date.
・The remainder of all divisions must be dropped for calculation of Julian Date.
・Making above Equation Image is powered by CODECOGS.
・LaTex: \\JD\\=D-32075\\+1461*\left ( Y+4800+\left ( M-14 \right )/12 \right )/4\\+367*\left ( M-2-\left ( M-14 \right )/12*12 \right )/12\\-3*\left ( \left ( Y+4900+\left ( M-14 \right )/12 \right )/100 \right )/4

