Calculation of Ratio of Hourly Total to Daily Total Global Ratdiation.


Ratio of hourly to daily total Global radiation,Sunset Hour Angle,Time Zone,Local Srandard Time,Longitude,Latitude,Azimuth,Tilt,Monthly average day,Day number,Equation of Time,Declination of Sun,Hour Angle.


[1]:Austin Whillier:『The determination of hourly values of total solar radiation from daily summations』,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,Volume7,Number2,1956,pp.197-204
[2]:Japanese Industrial Standards Committee:『Estimation method of generating electric energy by PV power system』JISC8907:2005
[3]:Natural Resources Canada:『RETScreen Engineering & Cases Textbook Third Edition』.


・rt:Ratio of hourly to daily total Global radiation.If calculated rt is smaller than zero,Input hour(LST) may be before sunrise or after sunset on Hour(h)-rt Graph.
・LST:Local Srandard Time.
・h:Solar altitude.
・δ:Declination of Sun.North(+),Siuth(-).
・ω:Hour angle.『the angular displacement of the sun relative to the local meridian, zero at noon』.Afternoon(+),Before noon(-).
・ωs:Solar Hour Angle at Sunset.
・LaTex: \\r_{d}=\frac{\pi }{24}\frac{(\frac{24}{\pi }\sin\frac{\pi }{24}\cos\omega-\cos\omega _{s}) }{\sin \omega _{s}-\omega _{s}\cos\omega _{s}}\\\\A=0.409+0.5016\sin(\omega _{s}-\pi /3)\\B=0.6609-0.4767\sin(\omega _{s}-\pi /3)\\r_{t}=r_{d}(A+B\cos\omega )
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